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Text: Matt.7:7 (KJV, MSG), Luke 11:11, Jam.1:2-6 MSG


-“Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” John 16:24

-“And if you ask, you won’t receive it for you’re asking with corrupt motives, seeking only to fulfill your own selfish desires”. Jam.4:3 TPT



The believer’s life is anchored on faith. If we must please God, faith is very key to our walk with Him. This is because every good and perfect gift comes from Him. As believers, whatever and everything we need is available in Christ if we ask (believing) in faith. Our faith in God authorizes Him to Fellowship with us, Hear us and Acts for us. Faith is God’s premise for fellowshipping with His children; to be able to ask, seek and knock. This is usually exercised by praying His will. Through faith, we download heaven’s will to our earthly reality. Matt.6:10, Jam. 1:5-8


PRAYER IS THE MEANS TO ASKING John 16:24, Luke 11:9.

FAITH is the premise of Praying. Al

-”And without faith is it impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Heb. 11:6

Potent prayers communicate with God on the premise of His promises.

  1. All believers are asked to pray. ”If any of you” means the people of God. Jam. 1:5.
  2. Whoever is experiencing lack-a lack of wisdom-can pray.
  3. God is moved by your prayer; He is the author and inventor of prayer. Matt.6:7-11, 7:7
  4. God invites us to prayer. He said Ask Psalm 2:8,
  5. Faith gets God’s attention: (Faith is assurance in God; it’s an unending belief in God; His abilities, His willingness for results. It is the currency of heaven)
  6. God restricts Himself to faith. Jam. 1:6a ”But when he asks, he must believe”
  7. God cannot respond to doubt. Doubt means being unstable, wavering back and forth and being uncertain. Instability is a curse on Reuben. Gen.49:3-4



     Elijah was an ordinary person just like us. Yet, he knew how to ask in faith. Jam. 5:17-18.

  1. We must always know that it’s faith that upholds us in uncertainty.
  2. He asked with focus by praying God’s promises.
  3. He asked on the premise of fellowship thereby praying God’s passions.
  4. He asked God’s priorities.Matt.6:33 compare Matt.7:7
  • You can’t ask amiss when you asking from kingdom mindset.

Elijah’s Situation

-Elijah was angry that the king and queen-Ahab and Jezebel-had reduced the country to a land driven by the advice of false prophets. He also felt isolated thinking he was the last true prophet 1Kings18:19, 22.

-The majority of the nation turned to the worship of Baal (Phoenician storm God) and Asherah (Canaanite goddess of fertility). Jezebel introduced Baal and Asherah to Israel with her marriage to Ahab. This led to religious crisis in Israel and helped moved the people into a backslidden state.

-Elijah was tired, tired of fighting, tired of running from the king, tired of dealing with this unnecessary spiritual battle. He needed relief!


Israel Situation

-They lost focus and easily influenced by anyone, even the evil king and his idol-loving wife, Jezebel.

-Jezebel murdered the true prophets of God which also affected the emotional stability of the nation.

-The people had a basic knowledge of God and their need to serve Him. But for many reasons they did not press in and become devoted followers.

-The people were open and willing to repent and turn back to God, IF God responded to Elijah’s prayers 1kings 18:24.


  2. Ask (Pray) God’s PROMISES (18:20-24)
  3. Elijah’s prayer was focused.

Pray for God to fulfill His promises. Promises are focused targets.

-His prayer was prayed in faith.

-He believed in God’s ability.

  1. Have faith in God’s ability. Trust His CAPACITY to answer God is not just able; He’s willing to answer our prayers Isaiah 45:12.


  1. Ask (Pray) from knowing God’s PASSIONS 1Kings 18:37.

-God is passionate for relationship with you. A healthy relationship with God is the highway to answer/ reward your faith. It helps us to know the *WHEN, WHAT & HOW of Asking*

For example, Elijah considers himself “belonging to God.” 1 Kings 18:36b. He said; -”and that I am your servant”

-Faith begins in the womb of relationship. Your asking should always have a redemptive/ selfless dimension. 1kings 18:37.

-Your must be passionate about His will for you to receive answers. If you’re asking in faith, it has to be His will for answers to come. Elijah seeks people’s hearts turning toward God. 


Question: When last was ‘your faith’ disappointed? Did you do a ‘faith-health’ check? What’s your result?


TEASER: There different ZONES OF ASKING?


-Faith is more about relationship than it is about the common white-washed grab-and-hold principles we are used to. We must seek to honor God and His word.

1 Kings 18:24-”…I will call on the name of the Lord.”


  1. Ask God’s Will & PRIORITIES Matt.6:10, 1 Kings 18:27-40

-When you ask in faith, you’re asking in harmony with the will of God.

-Strive to please God 1 Kings 18:36

-Seek God’s best. -Seek be God’s representative.



God answers our faith requests on the basis of our need, his kingdom needs and for His name to be glorified. To receive the reward of faith, our motive for asking must be selfless, advance the kingdom and give glory to God. Asking must not be amiss. Jam.4:3. Whenever you think deprived or denied of your request, the first thing to check is your motive. Motive is very key. Jam.4:1-5 TPT

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